Feb 1, 2023
Let’s get event planning!
We are all well versed in mandatory training and where development within our individual roles is measured by the ‘must do’ workplace-based courses but when it comes to the events we choose, how do we target those which are most likely to make the biggest impact on our personal growth, and in our learning and progression as businesses and business leaders?
Before the ‘new year, new me’ effect truly wears off (!) and diaries fill up even further, I bring to you a podcast episode focused on my own approach to events planning; both in terms of benchmarking and recognising my own personal development goals, and when considering the design and delivery of THC Primary Care’s own events.
Listen on to hear my advice and experiences about:
I also offer insight into my approach in putting together our PCN Plus live event, which is open for registration NOW for all PCN leaders and takes place in Nottingham on Wednesday 1st March.
And my other recommended events?
The Primary Care Conference hosted by The NHS Confederation on 22nd February 2023
Best Practice London from 8th to 9th March 2023
NHS ConfedExpo 2023 in Manchester from the 14th to 15th June 2023
I also mention reading the book ‘The Art of Gathering’ and the advice I have taken about events management from Jessica Smith, Co-Founder at SomX. Both speak of the importance of value in an event, not just what we can get from them, something I have embraced and taken to heart.
I’m Tara Humphrey and I am the founder of THC Primary Care, a leading healthcare consultancy. I provide project and network management to Primary Care Networks and consulting support to clinical leads. To date, I’ve worked with 11 Training Hubs and supported over 50 Primary Care Networks and 3 GP Federations. I understand and appreciate the complexity of healthcare and what it takes to deliver projects across multiple practices.
I have over 20 years of project management and business development experience across the private and public sector and have an MBA in Leadership and Management in Healthcare. I’m also published in the London Journal of Primary Care and the author of over 250 Blogs
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