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The Business of Healthcare Podcast with Tara Humphrey

Oct 28, 2021

Welcome back to The Business of Healthcare Podcast where this week I am talking to Alison Reid who is the CEO at Community Dental Services. 

What I really liked about this interview is that I don't share the interview questions with the guest in advance and Alison was just in my opinion, so clear in articulating the...

Oct 26, 2021

Today on the business of healthcare podcast I have the pleasure in talking about - How do we share what we do? Referring also to a great book that I have read recently - Show your Work by Austin Kleon. 

Don't overthink it. 
Document what you are doing. 
Share the behind the scenes. 

Start to jot down the things that are...

Oct 21, 2021

Geraldine Parker-Smith NHS Blood & Transplant 

Welcome back to The Business of Healthcare Podcast where this week I am talking to Geraldine Parker-Smith who is the National Diversity Marketing Manager for NHS Blood & Transplant. We discuss all things giving blood and why it is so important for people to continue to...

Oct 19, 2021

This week on The Business of Healthcare Podcast I wanted to discuss the importance of making time to meet with your team even when you feel like there is no time. 
A few of the questions that I discuss 👇 
What is the importance of getting more time to talk to get to know each other? 
What do you...

Oct 14, 2021

Welcome back to The Business of Healthcare Podcast episode 172 where I have the pleasure of speaking with Ziad Laklouk  

Ziad is a pharmacist, and he also holds a position at Soar Beyond. In this interview, Ziad shares his pharmacy journey and what led him into working in primary care networks and for Soar Beyond which...