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The Business of Healthcare Podcast with Tara Humphrey

May 31, 2023

Someone once said that, as a business leader, you are a Managing Director when you’re actively involved with the day to day running of your business and a CEO when you are able to take a more hands-off approach.

So, on the back of the success of my recent Diary of an MD recording, I thought I’d follow up with some...

May 24, 2023

Back in February 2022 I had the absolute pleasure of speaking with Peter McCleave, founder of 10,000 Donors, a campaign to raise public awareness and promote sign up to the stem cell register. The more registered donors there are, the higher the likelihood is of a life-saving stem cell match being found for someone...

May 17, 2023

It's been a big few weeks in terms of new policy and material and the importance of great comms can never be underestimated. With this in mind, I was delighted when Jessica Smith, Co-Founder of SomX agreed to join me on the Business of Healthcare podcast to talk all things PR, marketing and communications.

As a truly...

May 10, 2023

This week's Business of Healthcare podcast episode is a leadership and management masterclass, delivered by Director of Ardens Manager, Laura Tomlin.  

Ardens provide an end-to-end solution to primary care organisations which consists of two products: Ardens Clinical, a clinical decision support tool delivered to over...

May 3, 2023

DigiBete is an NHS-approved, patient-centred, video platform and app which was set up to support and empower children, young people and families living with diabetes, in particular focusing on provision of resources and raising awareness of type 1 diabetes (which is typically less widely understood).

From my own...