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The Business of Healthcare Podcast with Tara Humphrey

Nov 29, 2023

In this episode, we welcome Jemma Bella to the Business of Healthcare podcast to share her experiences of living with long covid.


What is long COVID? Most people with COVID-19 feel better within a few days or weeks of their first symptoms and make a full recovery within 12 weeks. For some people, symptoms can...

Nov 22, 2023

In this podcast, Tara takes us behind the business of THC Primary Care and shares her quarterly review along with candidly sharing what she stopped, started and will continue doing moving forward.

1.     The course and training portfolio

2.     The Interim primary care network management portfolio

3.     The increase in...

Nov 15, 2023

It has been a pleasure having Dr Shivani Sharma on The Business of Healthcare Podcast this week.

Dr Shivani Sharma is Head of the Department of Psychology, Sport, and Geography at the University of Hertfordshire. She is an advocate for making health and psychological care accessible and equitable for all,...

Nov 8, 2023

Kay Keane is a Practice Manager and a Director and Co founder of the Institute of General Practice Management.

In this episode Tara & Kay discuss;

  • Life as a Practice Manager 
  • Homeless Healthcare across the city of Manchester
  • Why Kay helped form the Institute of General Practice Management, with 1,600 members
  • Using...

Nov 1, 2023

Yuen Toh is a Clinical Pharmacist and a master of managing her portfolio career! As a Mum of two, Clinical Director, system equality leader, podcaster and soon to be GP Partner, she is spinning many plates but still strongly advocates for maintaining clear personal and professional boundaries to ensure we can be...